Safe at Home: Mobility and Accessibility
Through our Ramps program, Rebuilding Together Valley of the Sun provides custom built wheelchair ramps to alleviate safety, mobility, and entry accessibility issues. Qualified and selected homeowners receive one entry ramp, specific to their home and our available resources. These services are free of charge to income qualified residents in Maricopa County and the Phoenix metropolitan area.

Ramps are custom built to the needs of the client and limitations of the space.
Ramps are installed by community/corporate volunteer groups.

Prior to all repairs, a qualified staff member will perform an onsite assessment to determine the feasibility of a ramp. This assessment will identify limitations and measurements of the space available including:​
Length of ramp needed for the specific height and type of mobility device
Structure(s) beneath and around the proposed ramp
Other obstacles that would prevent the building of the ramp such as sheds, cars, roads, landscape, etc.
​Clients are encouraged to consider which entry, would be most ideal for their mobility as well as what obstacles can be removed prior to the assessment. Staff will do their best to design ramps within the existing space, however there may be limitations which do not allow for ramps to be installed.
Ramps are pre-built as modules and installed by community/corporate volunteer groups and supervised by RTVOS staff or trained volunteers. Installation typically takes 2-6 hours to complete. Construction and coordination of schedules for these events can take weeks to months after the assessment is completed, but we do our best to schedule as soon as possible.
Application Information
​Applications are accepted throughout the year with projects completed as funds and volunteers become available. Applications are reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. However, funding is limited and not all qualified applicants may be selected.
Applications that do not include Proof of Income Documentation, or that are outside of our service area will not be considered.
This program is not accepting applications at this time.
All materials provided are given to the client and will NOT be removed by Rebuilding Together.